Before my parents could move into their new home at Stephen Foster Houses (August 1952), they had to visit the Management Office at 90 Lenox Avenue. Like all tenants, they were presented with paperwork to help familiarize them with their new apartment and surroundings. I've attached copies of some of the original documents that they received.
Welcome to
Stephen Foster Houses
The five-page Welcome Booklet
The NYCHA Rules and Regulations.
Interesting to note are the repeated references of the need to notify management if rent amounts are to be adjusted (births, deaths, change of income, number of family members) and the rule that no pets are allowed on the premises.
Interesting to note are the repeated references of the need to notify management if rent amounts are to be adjusted (births, deaths, change of income, number of family members) and the rule that no pets are allowed on the premises.
When paying their rent, my parents always had to bring their Rental Receipt Book. The book was stamped by the Management Office representative as proof that the rent was paid.
With all the paperwork in place and the rent paid, my parents and their almost ten-month old son relaxed in their brand-new, two-bedroom apartment that blissful Thursday evening, on August 14, 1952. After doing some simple math, it becomes obvious that there must have been a celebration because I was delivered about nine-months later.
Coming soon: The look of Foster Houses from the 50s through the 90s.
"As time passes, the make-believe of deception begins to feel like reality.
As more time passes, this reality will even replace the truth."
As more time passes, this reality will even replace the truth."