Looking for a spooky, spine-tingling ghost story to watch on Halloween? Check out our top 5 paranormal horror movie gems! In these movies, we follow a group of people as they're terrorized by a powerful spirit or by a horde of dangerous ghosts. Whether you're a horror movie fan or not, these movies are sure to send a chill down your spine!
Even running for your life from a terrifyingly painful bite has its comical side and the line between fright and laughter is like night and day. But in the long run, vampires aren’t real. Right? As horror films progressed through the decades, these thirsty womenfolk emerged from their sleeping places. Unwilling participants learn much too late that female vampires are not the weaker than their male counterparts. There are variations on the blood-sucking theme, which I’m sure will blow you away. Be careful watching these femme fatales as we explore female vampires in horror, and I shed light on a hidden population. After a few years at the local theater, some horror movies crept into the television we had quietly sitting in the darkness of our living room. I gripped the arm of the couch as I watched the Chiller Theater television series, as I found myself reliving the nightmare of the top horror movies of the 1950s. During the 1950s, whenever my family went to see sci-fi movies, I knew these evils were aliens from outer space. But as long as the creeping unknown was just in the theater, I was safe from the Sci-Fi Movie Invasions of the 1950s. Between insidious invaders from outer space and the effects of radiation, outside forces constantly trampled the island of Japan, or at least miniature sets of it. Much of the destruction was under the creative direction of Ishiro Honda, who amazed children and adults alike in movie theaters or much smaller film houses. When good flicks were unavailable, we had to settle for the lesser-known Sci-Fi movies of the day. And sometimes, we were pleasantly surprised by the outlandish plots and futuristic ideas, so we’d search for More 1950s Sci Fi B Movie Favorites.
Juneteenth is a celebration to commemorate the end of slavery. From the landing of the first Africans in America to the enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation to the history of the celebration of Juneteenth Day, this video embraces the emotions and facts that comprise that experience in black history.
What is JuneteenthSome of the low-budget films were fun, easy to pick apart, and will always be an enjoyable part of our childhood. See if you agree with my list and place your comments below. Check out five of my Sci fi B Movie Favorites from the 1950s. Trips to the movies and the Hayden Planetarium ignited my interest in science fiction and otherworldly beings. The invaders were always on a siege against Earth on multiple screens, but science always saved the day. The following are my five favorite movie moments from the 1950s. |