The Making of "Beyond the Castle on the Hill"
Journal #1
About a year ago, the constant reminiscing that I was doing about my old high school, slowly evolved into a sci-fi novella, which I titled Castle on the Hill: Secrets. Prior to writing the story, I rolled up my sleeves and dove headlong into the school's history. (The process was so enjoyable, that I even built a website dedicated to the school and called it My Castle Treasures). Regardless of the fact that Castle on the Hill: Secrets was set in the year 2067, I made certain that the backstory was firmly rooted in fact so that the characters and situations could spring forth from real surroundings.
It was always my intention to write a sequel to the mysteries of the Dimensional Arts High School and the time has finally arrived for me to get serious about it. This time around, I've decided to share my creative processes, which is why I've started this weekly blog.
I've gone through a lot of variations but the best working title for the story, so far, is Beyond the Castle on the Hill. If anyone can suggest a better one, please let me know. The new story begins five years after the ending of the first book and there is now a crew of interesting new characters in addition to the regulars from the Castle. I think readers will be surprised (if not shocked) by the changes that have occurred in the lead character's relationships. Building Beyond
After some sleepless nights, I've written the first four chapters. The re-writes have driven me crazy but the characters and I have survived (so far). It's been really tough "killing off some of my babies" but I'm pleasantly pleased with the finished product (for now, anyway).
Besides the basic premise, which is written next to the video below, the general storyline involves immortality, racial prejudice and an extreme case of neighborhood gentrification. That's all that I can share on these subjects for now. All comments or suggestions are welcome. See you in about a week.
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Most of us fear the specters that unexpectedly float through the air but what if that same ghostly entity was you? What if the ghosts that we witness, are not of the dead but the almost dead.
Have You Ever Seen A
Living Ghost?
You’ve heard of those who were deemed clinically dead but were able to come back. Once many of these poor souls (pardon my pun) have returned to their bodies, they testify to many similar experiences. Collectively, these experiences have come to be known as the Near-Death Experience or NDE.
Near-Death Experience
Tales of otherworldly experiences have been part of human cultures seemingly forever, but NDEs as such first came to broad public attention in 1975 by way of American psychiatrist and philosopher Raymond Moody’s popular book Life After Life. He presented more than 100 case studies of people who experienced vivid mental experiences close to death or during “clinical death” and were subsequently revived to tell the tale. Their experiences were remarkably similar, and Moody coined the term NDE to refer to this phenomenon.
Although the features of NDEs vary from one case to the next, common traits that have been reported by near-death experiencers (NDErs) are as follows: 1. A sense/awareness of being dead. 2. A sense of peace, well-being and painlessness. Positive emotions. A sense of removal from the world. 3. An out-of-body experience or OBE. A perception of one's body from an outside position. Sometimes observing medical professionals performing resuscitation efforts.
4. A "tunnel experience" or entering a darkness. A sense of moving up, or through, a passageway or staircase.
5. A rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in a powerful light (or "Being of Light") which communicates with the person. 6. An intense feeling of unconditional love and acceptance. 7. Encountering "Beings of Light", "Beings dressed in white", or similar. Also, the possibility of being reunited with deceased loved ones. 8. Receiving a life review, commonly referred to as "seeing one's life flash before one's eyes". 9. Receiving knowledge about one's life and the nature of the universe. 10. Approaching a border, or a decision by oneself or others to return to one's body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return. 11. Suddenly finding oneself back inside one's body. Lucid Dreaming
Worthy mention must be given to certain of our dreams. Some sleep researchers have noted that NDEs are similar to many reports of lucid dreaming, in which the individual realizes he is in a dream. Often these states are so realistic as to be barely distinguishable from reality.
In a study of fourteen lucid dreamers performed in 1991, people who perform wake-initiated lucid dreams (WILD) reported experiences consistent with aspects of out-of-body experiences (OBE) such as floating above their beds and the feeling of leaving their bodies. Due to the overlap between lucid dreams, near-death experiences, and out-of-body experiences, researchers say they believe a protocol could eventually be developed to induce a lucid dream similar to a near-death experience in the laboratory. Summary
The scientific NDE studies performed over the past decades indicate that heightened mental functions can be experienced independently of the body at a time when brain activity is greatly impaired or seemingly absent. The numerous cases of individuals who site similar experiences are too great to ignore. Whether the experience of being separated from our body occurs when we are close to death or even when we sleep, it is apparent that there is another process at work that we do not yet understand. There is a part of us, which can definitely be considered a living ghost.
End of
Part 5
We use the mirrors in our homes to check ourselves daily. Some of us spend a bit more time gazing at our reflections than we should but what could possibly be the harm? The answer is nothing, as long as you do not tarry too long or peer too deeply. Unfortunately, what lies through the looking glass would be better served if it were left alone. For your own safety, “Look in the mirror, then quickly look away.” You never know who might be watching.
Look In The Mirror
Ancient cultures believed that mirrors were portals to another realm, in particular, spiritual realms. It was thought that if a mirror was present in a room when a person died, the essence of what the individual once was would to get locked in the mirror. The more vain or narcissistic the deceased person once was, the greater the likelihood that the spirit or energy of that person would be captured. And if the person had an especially evil nature, that evil energy would be projected within the mirror and perhaps even outward towards the mirror’s new owner.
Regardless of their differing forms, the spirits of the mirror will find a way to make us all more than mildly uncomfortable. Here are a few you probably have already witnessed:
Shadow People. Some have not only seen shadow people standing within mirrors, but also near to the mirror and entering or leaving them. In quite a few cases, some also reported other phenomena at the same time such as – cold spots, voices, noises, orbs and pleasant to vile odors.
Strange Mist. Some have described these mists evolving into dense, dark masses that move around the room as well as within mirrors. They sometimes form into more recognizable shapes, usually a humanoid one. The feelings reported by the witnesses are usually of a negative nature. Anger, hostility and evil are some, which have been experienced.
Faces. This is probably by far the most frequent manifestation reported by people in association with haunted mirrors. The faces are, most of the time, human and sometimes known to the witnesses. Those that do not appear to be human are best avoided.
Back when I was about ten years old, I witnessed an episode of a television series that I wished that I had not. The episode was titled The Hungry Glass aired on a show called Thriller, with Boris Karloff as its’ host. Basically, the story concerned a house inhabited by an extremely beautiful but vain woman who eventually grew old. Despite her lost beauty, she was enraptured with her own image in her mirrors and once she died (by crashing into one), her spirit was held within the rest of the mirrors. Years later, a young couple moved into the ill-fated house where many others had mysteriously died.
I really enjoyed the believable relationships and the tension that slowly developed once the true nature of the house (and mirrors) was discovered. But one of the final scenes showed a huge picture window, which held the hazy image of a woman’s figure in a white flowing dress. Her form was slowly backing up, her arms were outstretched, beaconing and pleading that the onlookers join her in the glass.
I sat terrified in the darkened room as the show finally ended. Shivers moved along my arms and legs and I dare not look at the mirror, which hung over my bedroom dresser. I lowered my eyes and tried not to shake as I made my way into my bed, hoping nothing reached out for me. Once under my blankets, I showed my back to the terror that hung on the wall. I knew if I turned and looked into that mirror, I would see the floating ghost of a woman. My head shot under the covers for protection and stayed there until daylight.
For years, I did not stare into any mirror longer than necessary, fearing what I might see. I eventually found ways to feel more comfortable with what I knew was there. For example, I learned that if you carry a cursed mirror from room to room (or even from home to home), you are also carrying the person’s spirit. If you prefer not to see spirits, there are ways you may protect yourself from any ghosts showing up in or entering through the mirror.
1. When you bring a new mirror into a home and you do not know its past history, cleanse it with salt water. Hang or draw a protective religious symbol on the wall behind it to prevent it from acting as a portal.
2. Cover the mirrors at night. Nighttime is when the more malevolent entities like to lurk. They prefer hiding in the shadows. By covering the mirror with a white cloth in your bedroom you can prevent anything from entering. 3. Breaking the mirror and replacing it means you are taking a chance of getting rid of the ghosts. But remnants might linger or the spirits might be angered because of the partial destruction. 4. In order to prevent mirrors from being used as a portal by supernatural entities, the mirror should be frequently moved to different areas of the room. Also, mirrors with a solid backing should not to be placed in the same position for a long period of time cause they are thought to be more likely to become spiritual portals. 5. Remember, mirrors have the ability to suck out souls. To avoid this from happening, mirrors should be removed from a room where an ill or dying person lay. They are more vulnerable and susceptible to the negative power of a mirror. 6. And finally, burying the cursed mirror in a graveyard or cemetery is the best method to rid yourself of contacts with the spirits but doing so means you are also burying whatever money you spent.
If you are daring and none of this has bothered you, simply light a candle and set it before a mirror. Darken the rest of the room and gaze into the mirror. Focus past the candle and past your own reflection. Eventually, if there are any spirits in the mirror, they’ll either appear before you or show up behind you. Do you see them?
In The Mirror
Most ghost stories that we are familiar with take place in what we call a haunted house. There is a reason that these houses are haunted. Someone has to die, in order for there to be a ghost story. Sometimes this occurs under not so pleasant circumstances. Let’s take a close look at what took place in one rural community on June 9, 1912. Eight people met a gruesome end on that ill-fated night and afterwards, an old house in Villisca, Iowa, more than earned its reputation as a haven for otherworldly spirits.
The Villisca Axe MurdersHistory
The name Villisca means “place of evil spirits” as named by the Sioux. In 1868, a two-story farmhouse was constructed at 6th Avenue & 7th Street on lot 310. It was not until 1903, that the Moore family finally purchased the home of their dreams. By 1912, the following family members lived there:
1) Josiah B. Moore, 43, Villisca’s most prominent businessman. 2) Sarah Montgomery (Moore), 39 years old, active member of Presbyterian Church and she also led the Children’s Day Exercises. 3) Herman, 11 years old, always known to be by his father’s side. 4) Katherine, 10 years old. 5) Boyd, 7 years old 6) Paul, 5 years old
In addition, on that dreadful night of June 9, 1912, there were two other children in the house.
It was because of the deaths of these eight people that the home passed through eight different families. Here are a few reasons why some of the future dwellers of the home could not stay:
After renting the home in the early 1930s, Homer Ritner and his wife began to hear and see things. In addition to many other occurrences, the tenants said they had seen the shadowy figure of a man with an axe at the foot of their bed. After witnessing this, the terrified couple fled from the house that same night. Soon after John and Allie Geeseman purchased the home, John decided to live in the shed behind the house. It was said that he couldn’t live with all the ghosts. Neighbors saw these owners flying down the sidewalk with their nightshirts blowing out behind them as they left the house at 3 am. They later said the reason they ran was that the doors would not stop opening and closing on their own.
After moving in during 1963, another family, (two young sisters and their mother and father) woke up hearing a faint crying, which sounded like a whimpering child or little girl. Certain areas of rooms were very cold. Dresser drawers were found opened and clothing was discovered thrown around the room. It was not until the disbelieving father’s pocketknife flew from his hand and then stabbed him in the palm, which he packed up his family and left the house that night. That finale occurred in 1971.
The home sat vacant for many years until Darwin & Martha Linn purchased it in 1994 but they never actually lived there. The Linns instead converted the building into a museum and it’s open every day of the year to the curious. Unexplained voices and sounds can be heard whenever visitors or paranormal investigators spend the night at the old house. Either from the violence of their deaths, or their unresolved nature (maybe a little of both), this house has subsequently become a very active sight for the supernatural. Apparitions have often been seen, and disembodied footsteps and voices are common occurrences. The sight and sounds of the children are the most widely reported, with EVPs and personal accounts indicating laughing and then crying, as well as some children telling others to hide. Mist has been seen on occasions moving through the house and then quickly disappearing. Also, doors have been known to open and close be themselves. The Story (The Beginning of the End)
The following is a particularly gruesome rendition of the true-story.
During the quiet Sunday afternoon of June 9th, 1912, the entire Moore family was attending activities at the Presbyterian Church a few miles from their home. Mrs. Sarah Moore actively led the Children’s Day Exercises, which extended well into the evening. As the sunlight faded across the countryside, families gossiped and children innocently played into the evening.
Just outside the Moore’s home, a tall man watched for others as the darkness surrounded him. After stepping onto their property, he pulled the axe out of the overused chopping block and allowed the weight of the tool to feel comfortable in his hand. After walking up the solid wooden front steps, he found the front door to be open. Once inside, he moved through the kitchen area, explored the parlor room with the upright piano and then leaned into the doorway of the scantily decorated parlor bedroom. Satisfied that he was comfortable with the layout of the first floor, he then returned to the kitchen and found the doorway to the curved stairwell that led to the upper floor.
The landing opened directly to a master bedroom, which the intruder assumed belonged the two adults in the house. He moved through the connected doorway to his left that led to a short hallway. As he walked through the darkened hallway, he noticed an open room to his left, which might be used for storage. The end of the hallway opened to another bedroom that contained two beds and a baby crib. The sizable room could easily hold the couple’s four children. He turned around and returned to inspect the sloped ceiling, attic-like storage area. The coolness of the room comforted him. He found a recessed corner, made himself comfortable and loosened his grip on his newly found axe, which he laid within arms reach. He quickly pulled out two cigarettes and struck a match to light the first one. He knew it was best to smoke them now because the family might be home soon. He puffed a few rings of smoke towards the back window as he waited.
Sunday activities were over and everyone was beginning to start home. Lena Sallinger and her younger sister Irma were walking down the church steps along with their friend, Katherine Moore.
“I’m going to my granny’s house for dinner,” Irma said with a bright smile. The children looked in the direction that the two sisters were about to venture. “Look,” said Irma’s older sister Lena. She pointed to a clearing in the field, which led into the woods. They could easily see that the kerosene lanterns, which normally gave light to the darkened path, had not been lit. “I’m not going down there,” Irma said moving closer to her sister. “That’s too scary.” “But we promised Granny we’d be there,” Lena said sounding reluctant. Ten-year old Katherine pulled on both the girl’s arms. “Why don’t the two of you come to my house,” she said happily. The three girls had caught up with Mr. and Mrs. Moore and their three boys. “It’s alright, isn’t it, father?” Katherine asked happily. Josiah turned and smiled at his wife who nodded in agreement. “I’ll go back in the church and call your people to make certain that it’s okay,” Josiah said. “No need to make anyone worry.” When he returned to the group, Mr. Moore stated that Lena and Irma’s older sister gave consent and said she would pass along the message. The group of eight then headed towards home on that cool June night. The family returned home about 10:00 pm. Katherine and the two Sallinger girls chattered excitedly as they prepared to sleep in the first floor parlor bedroom. Mrs. Moore entered the bedroom. “Kathy. Get yourself upstairs with your brothers and not another word.” Katherine began to object but then thought better about it. “Yes, mother,” she said politely. She then smiled at her friends and ran out the bedroom doorway. “You’ve got fresh bedclothes, all the doors are locked and the pot is under the bed,” Sarah said. “You should be alright for the night. If you need anything else, just holler.” “Thank you, Mrs. Moore,” the two girls graciously said in unison. Sarah smiled at them and thought how nice it would be to have another girl child. She kissed them both on the cheek, blew out the mirror-framed light on the wall and then went upstairs to her family. The building had no electricity, so the light from the kerosene lamps flickered the across the walls of the different rooms but were usually blown out at bedtime. On lamp was purposely been left on the kitchen table, mostly for the sake of the visitors. By 11:00 pm, everyone in the Moore house was deep asleep, except for one.
The unseen intruder quietly stretched his sore legs. He had waited until midnight before budging from his hiding spot in the attic. He moved out of the room and towards the parent’s bedroom. The wood of the axe felt sweaty but he would not allow the handle to slip through his fingers in the slightest. He stood at the foot of the bed determined to follow through with his plan. His closest prey was Josiah who slept quietly on the nearest side of the bed. The intruder struck him strong and swift with the blunt end of the axe instantly cracking his skull open. As Sarah began to stir, he leaned over and repeated this action with her. Sarah continued to move around so he continued to strike her repeatedly about her head and face. She finally laid still. As the killer moved towards the doorway, a line of blood slid down the bed sheet next to Josiah and landed into an upturned shoe just under the bed.
Once in the children’s bedroom, he bludgeoned Herman, Katherine and Boyd, who were asleep in their two beds and then Paul, who was sleeping in the crib. As he furiously swung the axe upward, the sharpened side struck the ceiling, leaving numerous gouge marks there. He did this numerous times until the faces of the children were unrecognizable. After walking through the hallway, the killer then returned to Josiah and Sarah’s bedroom. He proceeded to chop multiple times at Josiah’s face. The father was so badly bludgeoned that his eyes appeared to be missing. While performing this act, the killer unknowingly knocked over the now blood-filled shoe, which spilled across the floor and onto his own shoes. The killer quietly walked down the curved stairwell towards the first floor bedroom. When he was previously seated in his hiding place, he could hear extra voices coming from that bedroom. He knew that his work was not done. Twelve-year old Lena lied half awake in her bed. She swore that she had heard creaking boards as if were someone walking around in the upstairs section of the house but it sounded so distant. Her eight-year old sister was on her left side, breathing heavily, which meant that she was fast asleep, as usual. It was clear that someone was coming down the steps from upstairs. Perhaps Mrs. Moore had forgotten something in the kitchen. With only the moonlight shining through the window near her headboard, Lena saw the dark figure of a man standing in the doorway. Was she dreaming, she thought to herself? He was holding something in his hand but she could not make out what it was. As she moved her right leg off the bed to touch the floor, the man rushed at her. Now she could clearly see the shape of something that looked like an axe in his hand. Her needs to instinctively protect her sister made her move her body over to cover her. As the killer swung the axe, she held her arm up to her face and cried out as the blade deeply sliced her arm to the bone. Before she could struggle further, the assailant hit her with the axe in her face. The last memory before she blacked out was of the sharp edge tool passing her head and striking out at her sister. His anger was so fierce that he kept wielding the tool of death until the heads of both girls’ heads were nearly cut off from their bodies. After his attack was complete, the killer noticed for the first time that the older girl’s bedclothes had slid up around her hips. As she lies there with one foot on the floor, he could see that she wore no undergarment, so her private area was completely exposed. He dropped the bloody axe at the end of the bed, stared for a short while and then left the room in disgust. He had not wanted to fight with anyone. He simply wanted to finish his mission. He found a coat hanging in the bedroom’s closet and used it to cover the faces of the girls. He then made certain to cover the dresser mirror. There was silence throughout the house. He could not leave until he was finished. He first washed his hands in a pan of water that he found on the kitchen table. He returned upstairs and covered the faces of the parents and children with whatever clothing he could find. The sight of his own work sickened him but this was something that he had to do. The killer also had to cover the mirror in each bedroom. Josiah seemed to be a similar body size so the killer changed from his bloody clothing but he decided to take his ruined shirt and pants with him in order to discard them elsewhere. Some first floor windows had curtains so he drew them closed but those that did not have curtains; he found clothing and covered them so that in the morning, no one could see in the house. He got some of the stored food, made a plate for himself and sat at the table. His stomach growled as he prepared to eat but the smell of the bloodied pan of water turned his stomach. He did not want to vomit so he left the uneaten food he had prepared. Lastly, he then made certain that the doors and windows were all locked and he then left the house through the front door, firmly locking it with the key he had found. He made his way into the darkness, towards the railroad tracks. A train was approaching, not far in the distance and one way or another he was going to be on it. The killer never looked back at the house. There was no need. He had finished what he had come there for.
In Movies
Ghosts are the energy of those who once lived. They exist on a different dimensional plane than the living but they do exist. Some have not fully crossed-over, which explains the contact they have with the living. There are many different types of ghosts but here we will concentrate on the three most important:
1) Mean - If a person was mean-spirited in life, as a ghost, they will torment the living. 2) Good Natured - Loving and devoted people, will be protective of the families of the home they are haunting. 3) Unaware - And finally, here are ghosts that are not aware that they are deceased.
Mean-spirited ghosts are those that get the most attention (and also get our attention the quickest). These are the ones that scare the crap out of us. They are tied to a particular location due to unfinished business when they were alive. These poor souls were miserable individuals when they were alive and carry a host of regrets. Dissatisfaction is what drove them in life. Continuing to make others miserable, in the after-life is their plan, perhaps for eternity.
The best example of really mean-spirited ghosts is the 2004 film Ju-On: The Grudge. A husband (Takashi Matsuyama) finds that his wife (Takako Fuji) is cheating and his jealously moves him to kill his unfaithful wife. He then kills his small son (Yuya Ozeki) and even his cat. The ghost of the wife then causes the husband to commit suicide. What has resulted is a “grudge” that permeates the entire building as the ghosts within are repeatedly reliving their miserable ends. From that day forward, anyone who steps foot in the house is affected by the misery of the dead family. Any newcomers will die. It does not matter that the person only stepped across the doorway for a moment. They may even be many miles away and it could be days later but the insidious evil will follow them until the grudge is fulfilled through their terrifying demise. This movie represents the ultimate ghostly curse. There is no escape.
The Grudge - directed by Takashi Shimizu
There are also good-hearted and loving ghost who remain on earth but could never hurt anyone. In fact, the reason they are trapped on this plane is because there is unfinished business concerning the ones that they were close to. A good example is the 1990 movie called Ghosts.
Ghosts In The Movies
Sam (Patrick Swayze) and Molly (Demi Moore) are madly in love but Sam is suddenly murdered. As a ghost, Sam discovers that someone evil is determined to also harm Molly. Sam roams the city as a powerless spirit until he crosses paths a psychic (Whoopi Goldberg) who can see him. With her help, Sam succeeds in keeping Molly safe, in spite a multitude of dangers, both human and ghostly.
Prior to crossing over to the other side, Sam was a good person. His spirit was driven to protect the one that he loved. Good-spirited ghosts are usually very protective of the families that live in their disquieting locations.
Then finally, there are those who are not aware that they are ghosts. They walk the earth perpetually confused as to why others are not reacting to them. They will never be able to move on to their next level of existence until they come to terms with the fact that they are no longer living. The saddest example of this type of ghost is in the 1999 movie, The Sixth Sense.
A nine-year old boy (Haley Joel Osment) has the ability to see the spirits of the dead. These ghosts seek him out because they are looking for help out of their situations. The self-admission process takes much longer for some but until that point, they are stuck existing in their personal misery. The clip below shows the boy finally admitting to his psychiatrist friend (Bruce Willis) about his secret ability.
The Sixth Sense - Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
There are many other types of ghosts but I have spoken only about the ones that you need to think about, especially, the not-so-nice ones.
I’m going to leave you with a present (or maybe a ghost). Back in 2002, there was a movie called The Ring. The idea was that after watching the cursed VHS videotape, you would die in seven days. The only way to avoid this fate would be to make a copy of the cassette and give it to someone else to watch. In the year 2021, after seeing this video, the only way to avoid the curse, is to pass the link below it, to someone else.
Think this is not true? Watch the video, don't forward the link and wait for what will happen in seven days.
See you in a week (maybe).
Believe in Ghosts - Part 2
Villisca Ax Murder House Blair Witch Review
Ever sit quietly and suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck rise? Ever feel a cold shiver run down your back for no apparent reason? Have you ever walked in a dark room, trying your best to find a light switch and you swear that you see what looks like a person? If any of these situations have ever happened to you, there is a good chance that you have come in contact with a spiritual entity or as they are commonly called “ghosts.” Are ghosts real or simply uncontrolled fragments of our imagination?
Believe In
Over the next few weeks, we will explore ghostly lore and all things that go bump in the night. What I am about to share might give you pause so I will take it slow and try not to frighten you. Let's start with a simple question, "Why should you consider believing in ghosts?"
The fear of death has always haunted us, ever since we became conscious of our own species and existence. Life after death is a recurring topic in many aspects of our lives. If we die and become ghosts, that basically means immortality in a certain way. And being immortal sounds like something supernatural, a scene from a sci-fi movie. Turning into a ghost after death would be similar to uncovering the much-desired fountain of youth. But is there a truth behind this so-called supernatural phenomenon?
Before we move on, please understand that when I use the word ‘consider,’ it isn’t me trying to turn you into a ghost-believer, because that would be pretentious if said out loud. I'm simply trying to point you towards that direction by showing you some unexplained real-life examples.
Let’s dig in.
Near-death experiences
Although scientific explanation for this also exists, namely that these are just short circuits in your brain playing tricks with you (or at least with what’s left of you), there are some other bizarre things going on here that haven’t been exactly explained.
Namely, in a staggering number of cases, people who had near-death experiences on an operating table were able to detach themselves from their body and look around. After they had woken up, they were able to recount every single detail about the people in the waiting room, what they were doing, etc. They even knew what the doctors had been talking about while performing the surgery. Since the brain is clinically dead at that point, it is kind of odd that it can memorize things so well, and even odder – that it can travel around. That’s more than just brain playing tricks with you, right?
Haunted places
Although this one seems worn out, but instances of weird things happening in houses are real, with numerous eye-witnesses of poltergeists and objects moving. Surely, not all of the people are crazy?.
This is a phenomenon occurring independently all across the globe, so it’s not something one could attribute to a Hollywood trend. These sightings are usually connected to some gruesome deaths and troubled souls who have been molested or mistreated during life. For example, the Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston is said to be inhabited by former slaves.
Still more to learn Scientific evidence for ghosts are unclear. In order not to spread panic, scientists and medical experts tend to disprove the existence of something ‘supernatural’. But it’s only recently that we’ve started studying these phenomena. There’s a lot more to learn, and who knows what we’ll uncover. Check in next week. Believe in Ghosts
Part 2 -Ghosts in Movies
Life during the medieval era was unpredictably harsh and cruel but many think only of knights and dragons when castles are mentioned. Explore the real history of these stone giants and learn the secrets of those who once lived in their castles
On The Hill |